Monday, September 29, 2008

Middle Schoolers and a movie set

This past weekend, Ryan and I accompanied the middle schoolers of YISS to Yong Pyeong resort, located about 3 hours south of Seoul. The bus ride revealed a green, beautiful and mountainous Korea. This resort is famous as the filming location for the Korean movie "Winter Sonata." This cardboard cutout of the actor and actress is on the top of the mountain.
All these precious children are my Spanish students.
A highlight of the trip for many was the "mountain coaster." A ski lift takes you to the top and then you ride down through the forest on it.

Ryan agreed to come along with me to this middle school event and stayed in the cabin with six of the rowdier eighth graders. He couldn't remember when he'd seen more ramen noodles and mountain dews consumed in a single weekend. On the last night, they bonded over a dried octopus. I was in a cabin of sixth grade girls. We still haven't recovered and it's now Thursday, but we had a good time.


Soco Martinez de Speck said...

Hola Aby, soy Soco, estoy en Tlapa y ahorita hablamos con Hickman en Memphis. El me dijo que estás en Korea y estoy sorprendida de saber que estás como misionera en Seul. Y estoy más sorpendida que eres maestra de español. Yo me voy mañana viernes a la Cd. de México, y luego el día 8 vamos a Denver, Colorado.

Jessica Stone said...

The pictures of Ryan's cabin look so familiar - like our home on so many nights - boys and Mountain Dew transcending cultures...And we have a great old video of some middle schoolers doing a promotion for summer camp using ramen noodles - a story longer than this post should be. Glad you survived!